Neo Shamanic Temple of Higher Awareness
Beyond Shaman
Expert in: Mind&Energetic Detox Psychotherapeutic
Consciousness Rehabilitation
Mindset Coach &
Motivational Speaker
Author/Founder of The Neo Shamanic Journey Div. of Neo Shamanic Temple of Higher Awareness
Internationally Respected NeoShaman
Healing Through
Holistic Awareness
The NSTHA Healing Circle/
Group Training

❗️The Chief is no longer accepting clients but you can join us on Patreon or submit a story.❗️
To submit your own paranormal stories you would like to see explained by the Chief email the NSTHA Support Team at: thensthaparanormalreport@gmail.com or contact@neoshamanictempleofhigherawareness.org
There is room for participants to come on to the show as NSTHA Paranormal Report Guests if you submit a story.
If your story is chosen: There are different ways to share depending on your comfort level.
1. You can request to have your written story read aloud. Mrs. A will read your story on the show.
2. Being on Skype with The Chief and Mrs.A but without any video only audio.
3. Having a video chat on Skype with The Chief and Mrs.A to share your story with both audio and video.
An example of an NSTHA Paranormal Report Guest Video: https://youtu.be/9L8bkMTA33I
To view the NSTHA Paranormal Report
videos from YouTube visit this link:

NSTHA Healing Circle/Paranormal Report
NSTHA Healing Circle/Paranormal Report

Welcome! Ep 07 NSTHA Ask the Chief/Healing Circle/Group Training

Welcome! Ep 06 NSTHA Ask the Chief/Healing Circle/Group Training